Internal Dialog of the Existential Self

Nothing useful will ever be found here. You should look else where. But if you want to see

Location: Golden, CO

Monday, March 13, 2006

Sunday Morning

This past morning Sunday was a very eventful or uneventful dependant on how you look at. I can’t say that I achieved anything of great note. What did happen is that I talked with a lot of family. The day started out with receiving a call from my cousin Kassie. She was calling to come out for a visit. She lacked details of when but sometime hopefully in the near future she will be visiting. She said she would call back in a bit with more information.

When she called me back, she informed me that Grandma said Sarah (my aunt) would be visit after her trip. She didn’t have any information about when except it would be end of April. So in turn, I called Grandma to find more information out.

Grandma informed me that Sarah had to be back in NM by May 4 and was arriving in Phili by April 18. So it would be sometime in between there that Sarah would visit. I have been highly doubtful that Sarah was coming to visit, as I have lived in Colorado for almost 10 years and she has lived 400 miles away in NM and never visited. I guess she is going to finally prove me wrong.

While talking with Grandma, I told her I was coming home the first weekend of April. It is going to be a busy weekend. My sister anniversary is that weekend, my mom’s birthday on the 3rd and there will be family a plenty to see. I have a new nephew and bunch of second cousins that have been born since the last time I was home. I will definitely spend some time with Grandma though. Luckily, she lives in the same house as my parents so I can stop by and bug her a lot.

After talking with grandma, I decided I better talk with my sister. I hadn’t talked with Erin in a while and needed to give a call and see how she was handling a second kid. She sounded happy and was enjoying having another child. I told her that I was coming home in April and August. She was happy to hear that and mentioned that she want me to be Godfather to one of her children. Now that is an extreme honor for me but I think it has different meaning for me than what it means in the Christian church. I think I will talk about that more when I come back from my visit.

It was good talking with her and need to remember to call more often. Afterward I talked with my mother for a little bit. I missed talking with my dad who flew out for Death Valley for the week.

So Sunday morning after getting up I spent about 3 to 4 hours talking with family. It is not what I expected to do on Sunday but it was probably one of the most enjoyable mornings I have had in a while.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Toilet ramblings

Toilet seat etiquette can be decreased with a re-designed toilet. You ever wonder why a toilet seat has a seat section and then a lid. Why isn't a toilet made with a built in seat. Could it be the toilet industry is trying to get more money out of you. True more parts that can break with a separate seat and lid which increases the of more sales. Sorry, back to the point, if the toilet seat was part of the toilet, men would not have to put it down after taking a piss.

It seems to me though, that putting the cover down is more important than putting the seat down and that does not seem to be a concern for most people. Covers were add for few reasons and I think there are really important to have and use on a toilet. First, they keep things from falling in them. When I did not put the cover down all the time my cat taught me a lesson. He had a habit of knocking what ever was on the sink off it and into the toilet. Very annoying to go to the bathroom and see stuff in the toilet. So that is one of the everyday reasons for putting the toilet seat down

Second, they provide a good surface in the bathroom to clean the ceiling. If the bathroom is small enough, you don't need to bring a stool in to clean. You can just stand right on the toilet and have little fear of falling in.

Finally, the most important aspect of the toilet cover and not many people realize this. It keeps the Perverted Sea Monkeys from Carcoos invading your bathroom and filming you while you take a shower, brush your teeth or pluck out nose hairs. When the Perverted Sea Monkeys of Carcoos use their jet packs to escape the toilet, they have set up a specific procedure and as everyone knows they must follow procedure. The Perverted Sea Monkeys of Carcoos wait 5 minute from when the lid is open to ensure nothing unpleasant is being dropped in the toilet before they launch. If at any point nothing is going in the toilet for 5 minutes they will then launch and escape the confines of the toilet. They need the lid open to escape though. The reason is that they haven't developed a method to control their jetpacks and they only go in one direction. Because they only go in one direction, they have no way to get around the lid when it is down and are trapped due to the lid and procedure.

Signs I

So there are a lot of signs/labels around work. Some of them just raise questions. For instance, there is one that is on a tack board that says “Product Compliance Information Center Now this tack board has nothing on it. So the question I’m currently contemplating is should there be something there.

Is a lack of an information on this board indicate that we don’t care about product compliance or does it mean that we have no information on product compliance.

Morning Delight

So this past weekend I was sitting on the couch in the basement eating my breakfast. I had just feed Fitz and Kera. So I expected a couple minutes of peace while they finished up their food. About half way through eating, I hear the rapid thudding of Kera running down the stairs.

As she comes running up to me, I stick my foot out to keep her away. She slides to a stop in front of my foot and proceeds to projectile vomit up her breakfast. It was one quick motion, there is un-chewed dog food all over the floor. and immediatley after she looks at me and tries to give me dog kisses and play. In her excitement, I do not even know if she realized that she had spewed up he breakfast.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Pedicabbing Part 1

Pedicabbing is one of the most enjoyable jobs at times. I get paid to exercise. I definitely could never do it full time and when I do it more than 5 times a month it takes some of the fun out of it. Asking people to take rides at time is one of the reasons it gets tiring A majority of the time you get the same uncreative answers from people when you ask them if they want a ride. Most people will say “no thank you”. At times it gets really hard not to give some smart ass comment back though. Here are a couple common examples:

Location – Pepsi Center parking lot - .25 miles from the door

Me: “ How would you like a pedicab ride?”

Them: “I’m good.”

Now how is that answering the question. If you are good does that mean when you’re bad you would take a ride? Or is there an evil twin out there that will take a ride? I understand that you are feeling good but what does that have to do with enjoying a fun pedicab ride.

Location – Pepsi Center parking lot - .25 miles from the door

Me: “ How about a ride tonight?”

Them: “I need exercise.”

This is one of the ones that really kill me. The people walking to the Pepsi center will maybe burn off a chocolate chip worth of calories walking to the doors Once they are inside what do they do but consume copious amounts of food and alcohol. If they really felt they needed to get exercise, they would be at the gym and it is obvious with a lot of these people that they never go to the gym.

Now there have been a few people that have given me responses that have left me with no idea how to respond.

2 guys walking by

Me: “Would you two like a ride tonight.

Guy 1: “No thanks, we just got married and don’t feel the need to proclaim our homosexuality tonight.”

A second later the guys wives walked by and just replied sorry our husbands aren’t paying tonight.


Lack of concentration can be a bitch. So last Friday, I decided to take the day off from work and go have fun in the outdoors. It was a nice sunny day and it was time for me to start mountain biking again. Went up to Hall Ranch, which is a nice somewhat technical trail that dries out very quickly.

Started riding and I was feeling really good. I only had to put my foot down twice during the first half of the ride which isn’t that bad for this early in the season. As I was returning after completing the loop at the top, I notice that I have a flat on the back tire. Not a big deal. Stopped and took 5 minutes to change the tire and admire what a nice day it was. Every rider that rode by was enjoying themselves and asked if I had everything, which I did but it reminded me how civil people can be while biking.

So, the tire is fixed and I continued my ride. I bomb down the technical downhill section and get to the final bit of the trail. I’m zipping along at about 15 miles and hour. Looking around and thinking what a great ride I just completed. I could see the car in the parking lot about a quarter a mile away. Then all of a sudden I’m sitting on the ground looking at blood drip down my arm. Don’t know what happened but there I was sitting there think “Damn that sucked wonder if I’m hurt” Get up and I have a bruised hip and a couple nicks on my arm. Nothing to bad. Straightened out my handlebars and finished the ride.

Now the whole point is I completed everything that was hard and stop concentrating on what I was doing and got hurt. We’ll see how long it takes before this happens again. Date of occurrence 3/3/06 at 2:24.

Starting is ending?

Is starting , also the activity of ending? The question has been appearing more and more lately. I started writing tasks for me to do because I would try to think of something to do and couldn’t decide what wanted to do. Has this helped achieve my goal? I'm not sure yet.

I have also started listening to my internal ramblings more. Whether it is the gut, heart brain or the pain in the ass. They haven’t been giving me definite answers and it is hard to choose which one is the correct one to listen to. Figured the best way to come to decisions is to write stuff. Clears out the excess noise and questions in the brain. No let’s see what comes out.