Internal Dialog of the Existential Self

Nothing useful will ever be found here. You should look else where. But if you want to see

Location: Golden, CO

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


John the other day left the kettle on the burner. He damaged it pretty good and the smell of burnt plastic is still in the house. Here is a pic of the kettle


So I've started working on my castle. I decided I'm going to do it in modules. The first is just going to be a basic corner with one building in the court yard. I have a bunch of parts on order. When I get them in I will be able to make significant progress on this section. Other sections will include a section a section to the sea. Will try to keep track of the progress here.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Lego Troll Battle Wagon

So since I've seen the new lego troll battle wheel, I wanted to take two sets and make a wagon. Here is my first pass. I will take better pictures later and be working on a full scene in the future. But here are the first pics.


So in January I bought my own pedicab. It has been nice owning the pedicab. It does mean that I'm working more but so far I have a bunch of new stories and it has been entertaining. I've been thinking of taking pictures downtown and I should have some hopefully in the near future.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Last couple days

So the last couple days have been busy in an uneventful way. Last Friday I spent the evening at the Greek festival. Had wonderful food and got to watch Nick and the new dance routine his church group developed. My only regret was not buying more cookies while I was there.

Woke up Saturday morning and went for a 3.5 hour bike ride around Denver exploring the different bike trails. Found one that I didn’t know existed that goes back to Morrison from Denver. Only lost the trail a couple times. The rest of the day was uneventful and so I went to a few bars in Denver.

On Sunday I decided I would figure out a few things and read a book. I decided that I was going to try and exercise more consistently. So on Monday, I went to the climbing gym during lunch and I went for a run with Kera half way up North Table Mountain. Tuesday I was able to go to the climbing gym again during lunch and then went for a bike ride up Golden Gate Canyon to the back side of White Ranch. Today I’m hopefully going to just go for a run after work. Will see if I have time for that.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Yesterday was my 34th birthday. I spent one fourth of the day on my bike. I road from my house up Golden gate canyon to Peak to Peak. From there I road to Ward and then down to Boulder. I was not able to complete the ride as a big storm system was coming through and did not want to ride down Indiana in the rain.

I went out with some friends to the Southern sun for dinner. On a whole it was a nice relaxing day.

The ride made me realize how much I miss just going out there and riding. I've decided to try and focus more on riding and running for the next few months. Adding in swimming around December dependant on what is going on. I want to try the two Colorado Xterra's next year and maybe a regular Olympic Tri. This evening I fast walked up North Table mountain after work just to work my legs some.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Dogs in car

Last night I was pedicabbing the Bronco game and around 8 o'clock at night I saw a couple officers around a truck trying to get rope around a dogs neck. A minute later I heard the alarm go off which I assumed meant they had contained the dog and were removing it from the vehicle. My first thought was the owners were going to be pissed when they got back. The second was that it was evening not to warm and it was probably fine for the dog to be in the car. I then wondered if the dog was a pit bull and they were removing it because they are illegal in Denver. There wasn't much time to think about it but I have always been hesitant about leaving my dog in the car. Well I hope the owner was not to upset and the dog is ok.

On a side note I will not be caring chocolate in my money bag any more. I had a chocolate bar melt and leak creating chocolate money. It was pretty messy and made the money stick together.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Start Again

I have decided that I need to start writing again. Will see how long I continue with this before I fill up the time with other activities. I have set a bunch of goals for the next year including a travel list that is ever increasing. Right now it is as follows, Los Alamos, Mexico City, Rochester NY, Europe somewhere, Texas and LA. That is the order that I'm hoping to visit every place. Will see if this occurs or not.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Laundry List of Prizes

So for the past year I have gone to every Spot climbing competition. The cost for the comps have been 125 dollars. I also spent 35 for an Access membership. For the cost of that I got to climb, drink free beer and eat pizza. At the end of every competition there has been a raffle. Out of the last 5 comps I have one something at everyone except for the Halloween comp. Here are the prizes that I have one over the past year.

At the finals last February I won

Rope – Mammut Revelation 9.2

The comp this past November I won

Coffee Mug, Bag of Chalk and T-Shirt

Then a couple weeks during the December comp I won

Climbing Shoe from LaSportiva and I choose a pair of Katana

Last night at the competition I won

Sleeping bag – Mont bell Down Hugger 2

Hat – LaSportiva Beanie