Internal Dialog of the Existential Self

Nothing useful will ever be found here. You should look else where. But if you want to see

Location: Golden, CO

Friday, September 08, 2006


So I went climbing today at lunch and I hit my knee pretty good on a hold when my foot slipped. It bruised up almost immediately and I had to stop soon after. On my way back to work, I started thinking of all the times I have been hurt in my life and then I remembered when I was younger I thought that when you die all the injuries that you had in life reappear. I used to keep track of every injury I received so I could determine how bad off I would be. I stopped when I determined I would probably have no skin left. I would at least be structurally sound because I have never broken a bone or torn a ligament. I don’t know if bruises would just be a lot of internal cuts or what.

I could never determine if you would run out of blood. With all the cuts and holes and stuff it seems it would drain pretty quick.


These are words that have meaning which I can not define yet. I have philosophical concept or emotional meaning for the words but can’t provide a solid definition for.

1) love

2) Good and evil/bad

3) Dating

4) Doing well – use this one a lot always wonder what people think it means for me.

5) Gut feeling

6) Itchy nose

Start of thought not finished

Last night at dinner there was a discussion on why I don’t talk to people about certain aspects of my life. It has gotten me thinking that with information that I provide when talking to people that they may have a skewed view of who I am. Then again it seems some people know me better than I know myself. That may be because my voice and body give clues that aren’t provided by my mouth. It also seems that people make assumptions about my actions and what they mean and they are not always correct.